Sentence for quantity | Use quantity in a sentence

Quantity example sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use quantity in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for quantity.

  • Note the quantity of water used up. (17)
  • All Bavaria could not equal Cologne for quantity made away with. (10)
  • William Larkins let me keep a larger quantity than usual this year. (4)
  • But a small quantity of every drug was to be reserved for his own personal use. (5)
  • In quantity they are inexhaustible, and in quality they are wonderfully satisfying. (9)
  • Kirby would not, in my opinion, have numbered years he was proud of below their due quantity. (10)
  • Mrs. Durgin seemed to feel that there was some excuse due for the relative quantity of the last. (9)
  • When you become a Radical you have faith in any quantity, just as an alderman gets turtle soup. (10)
  • The amount of heat lost per hour is, of course, the quantity which the heating system must supply. (17)
  • According to the quantity of steam poured over the water, the latter could be heated to various temperatures. (17)
  • It should be of such a quantity that the mix is mushy but not watery, even when it is to be poured into forms. (17)
  • Knowing the quantity of heat lost per hour, a radiator must be installed which will supply this amount per hour. (17)
  • The quantity of his literature is not great, but the quality is very surprising, and surprising first of all as equality. (9)
  • It also comes in smaller packages, and if the entire quantity is not used at once it may be stored without deterioration. (17)
  • By means of the accompanying prescription every experienced chemist will be able to make the elixir in any desired quantity. (5)
  • It is not quality that is wanting, but perhaps it is the quantity of the quality; there is leaven, but not for so large a lump. (9)
  • Money and its uses had impressed her; the quantity possessed by some, the utter need of it for the first of human purposes by others. (10)
  • The quantity of loam or other fine impurities can be determined by shaking the sand up with water in a bottle, and allowing it to settle. (17)
  • Mrs. Norris could not speak with any temper of such grievances, nor of the quantity of butter and eggs that were regularly consumed in the house. (4)
  • Captain Cumnock stooped to their verdict on themselves, with marvel at the quantity of flesh they managed to put on their bones from such dieting. (10)
  • Mentally he had hung this space with those gold-framed masterpieces of still and stiller life which he had bought in days when quantity was precious. (8)
  • Another change that has come about in our conception of good illumination is the quantity and intensity of the light we expect from the incandescent bulb. (17)
  • A small quantity of seed wheat, obtained at Fort Alexander, yielded them handsome returns at harvest time, and the lot of the settlers seemed {278} brighter. (19)

Also see sentences for: amount, bale, bundle, collection, lot, number, pack.

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