Sentence for howls | Use howls in a sentence

A sentence using the word howls. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use howls in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for howls.

  • He howls no more. (10)
  • No sooner are we at peace than these are heard uttering low howls, and those are seen enviously glaring. (10)
  • For a moment he lay there stretched in the street, and then he dragged himself to the sidewalk, filling the air with hideous howls. (13)
  • An aggressive minority, and with Cock Robin squealing for constables in the midst, is that insolent upstart thing which howls to have a lesson. (10)
  • Then is she buried, and the village hears languid howls, and there is a paragraph in the newspapers concerning the extraordinary fidelity of an Old Dog. (10)

Also see sentences for: howling, hubbub.

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