Sentence for foreman | Use foreman in a sentence

Foreman example sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use foreman in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for foreman.

  • When we got him to go away, Mr. Dryfoos drove up to his foreman. (9)
  • The foreman said it was odd, but there was less of that sort of thing than formerly. (2)
  • He declared to both the foreman and the engineer that the trouble was due to the deliberate act of a rogue; but investigation proved fruitless. (12)
  • There he found the foreman for the electrical contractor, and spent a busy hour explaining to the man the intricacies of the office blue prints. (13)

Also see sentences for: foremost.

Definition of foreman:

  • foreman, fr’man, n. the first or chief man, one appointed to preside over, or act as spokesman for, others: an overseer: | pl. fore’men.(0)

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