Sentence for penknife | Use penknife in a sentence

A sentence using the word penknife. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use penknife in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for penknife.

  • He cut the heavy hemp string with his penknife. (9)
  • What he learned of farming in that week might have been balanced on the point of a penknife and puffed off. (8)
  • His eyes filled with tears, and drawing a penknife from his pocket, he began to stab it into the stuffing of his chair. (8)
  • Poking around with a penknife we are amazed at the ease with which the knife penetrates the mortar between the joints of the stones. (17)

Also see sentences for: penitential, penned.

Definition of penknife:

  • penknife, pen’nf, n. a small knife, originally for making and mending quill pens.(0)

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