Sentence for amphitheatre | Use amphitheatre in a sentence

Sentence using the word amphitheatre. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use amphitheatre in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for amphitheatre.

  • I remember looking down on two cats with arched backs in the solitary arena of the Verona amphitheatre. (10)
  • They were located in the form of an amphitheatre, beginning at the lowest ground and extending to the highest summits. (18)
  • Slowly the motley regiment swung into that grim amphitheatre under the pale sunshine; and, as I watched, a strange fancy visited my brain. (8)
  • Then with spying-glass in hand, he found a seat which, in a commanding position on a high cliff, overlooked the scene like an amphitheatre below him. (18)

Also see sentences for: theatre.

Definition of amphitheatre:

  • amphitheatre, am-fi-th’a-tr, n. an oval or circular edifice having rows of seats one above another, around an open space, called the arena, in which public spectacles are exhibited: anything like an amphitheatre in form. | adjs. amphitheat’rical, amphitheat’ral. | adv. amphitheat’rically. (0)

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