Sentence for aristophanes | Use aristophanes in a sentence

A sentence using the word aristophanes. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use aristophanes in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for aristophanes.

  • O for a breath of Aristophanes, Rabelais, Voltaire, Cervantes, Fielding, Moliere! (10)
  • Plutarch very unnecessarily drags Aristophanes into a comparison with him, to the confusion of the older poet. (10)
  • A political Aristophanes, taking advantage of his lyrical Bacchic licence, was found too much for political Athens. (10)
  • But if the Comic idea prevailed with us, and we had an Aristophanes to barb and wing it, we should be breathing air of Athens. (10)
  • Aristophanes might say that if his warnings had been followed there would have been no such thing as a mercenary Greek expedition under Cyrus. (10)
  • But Comedy rolled in shouting under the divine protection of the Son of the Wine-jar, as Dionysus is made to proclaim himself by Aristophanes. (10)

Also see sentences for: aristocracy, aristocrat, aristocratic, aristocrats.

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