Sentence for arrested | Use arrested in a sentence

Use arrested in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use arrested in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for arrested.

  • Sir Austin arrested him. (10)
  • They had arrested Sheila. (8)
  • I could have arrested it. (10)
  • I could have arrested it. (22)
  • Next day she was arrested. (12)
  • Mrs. Berry touchingly arrested him. (10)
  • She was arrested and held as a witness. (12)
  • You knew, then, that he had been arrested? (8)
  • Ammiani arrested him as he was about to pass. (10)
  • If Larry were arrested, she must be implicated. (8)
  • The sight arrested him by its warmth and motion. (8)
  • In the corridor outside she was arrested by a noise. (8)
  • To be sure, we might be arrested and sent up somewhere. (9)
  • He was arrested in his hasty passage by Cecilia Halkett. (10)
  • The beautifull Augustus was arrested and we were all undone. (4)
  • Arrested by the cry, the people in the street below looked up. (1)
  • Peterborough thought he might escape, but the squire arrested him. (10)
  • Feeling suddenly morbid, Mr. Bosengate arrested the swing and stood up. (8)
  • The novelty of the idea of its not being love arrested her imagination. (10)
  • A clerk you had here, two years and a half ago: I arrested him in, this room. (8)
  • They knew the chances were in favour of their being arrested at any instant. (10)
  • Mr. Fitzpatrick, you must know, was arrested this morning for a trifle of L140. (6)
  • Gaufridy was arrested and examined under torture and confronted with Madeleine. (12)
  • In his relief that the arrested man was not Laurence, this had not occurred to him. (8)
  • You were arrested with other rowdy students, and passed the night in a police station. (9)
  • Mackenzie was arrested by the Americans themselves and sentenced to eighteen months in gaol. (19)
  • As they were emerging into the spaces of the moon, a cheer from the stranger arrested Farina. (10)
  • They said that the party would positively be arrested, or not allowed to cross the Monte Pallade. (10)
  • He was departing, when through the open window a noise of scuffling in the street below arrested him. (10)
  • Steps from the other side of the ship approached, hesitated towards her, and then arrested themselves. (9)
  • Manton played eavesdropper, and suddenly bursting on Skepsey, arrested him when about to dash upstairs. (10)
  • Scarcely had he closed the garden-gate when the noise of an opening window arrested him, and he called. (10)
  • The chief comfort she gave was by saying that he had been originally arrested in mistake for his cousin Angelo. (10)
  • He found Irene seated at the piano with her hands arrested on the keys, evidently listening to the voices in the hall. (8)
  • Her mouth smiled, and her accompanying look of abstract benevolence arrested the tentative allurement to conversation. (10)
  • In the museum, the ladder by which he rose to fortune, Mr. Barnum a few months later perpetrated another humbug which arrested public attention. (21)
  • The others arrested themselves in various attitudes of attention, and remained listening to Lapham with an interest that profoundly flattered him. (9)

Also see sentences for: arrest, arresting.

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