Sentence for christianity | Use christianity in a sentence

Sentence using the word christianity. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use christianity in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for christianity.

  • You are typical, sir, of the sentiments of modern Christianity. (8)
  • I should like you just to develop your definition of Christianity. (8)
  • Is it your view that Christianity is on the up-grade, Lord William? (8)
  • To have doubted their Christianity would have caused them both pain and surprise. (8)
  • Now these Jesuits, although professing Christianity and brotherly love, held in horror anybody who did not think exactly as they did. (19)
  • Indeed, other faiths and better ones (one of them having some resemblance to a debased form of Christianity) co-exist with it, sometimes in the same mind. (7)
  • With such zeal did they administer their charge that life at Quebec became pious and orderly, and many Indian conversions to Christianity were {56} made. (19)

Also see sentences for: chris, christian, christians, christine, christopher.

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