Sentence for conclave | Use conclave in a sentence

Sentences for conclave. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use conclave in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for conclave.

  • Rose made up to the conclave under the maple. (10)
  • He saw little Mr. Pogram come in, more square and rubbery than ever, and engage in conclave with one of the bewigged. (8)
  • What could be taken into the States without detection, was the subject before that wicked conclave; and next, what it would pay to buy in Canada. (9)

Also see sentences for: conclude, concluded, concluding, conclusion, conclusions.

Definition of conclave:

  • conclave, kon’klv, n. the room in which cardinals meet to elect a pope: the body of cardinals: any close assembly. | n. con’clavist, an attendant on a cardinal in conclave. (0)

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