Sentence for delighted | Use delighted in a sentence

Examples of delighted sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use delighted in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for delighted.

  • I was more than delighted! (18)
  • We were all delighted. (4)
  • He was quite delighted. (4)
  • Fulkerson was delighted. (9)
  • Delighted to see you all. (8)
  • I delighted to hear him. (10)
  • He was delighted with him. (4)
  • Herbert delighted in them. (10)
  • I am delighted with the book! (4)
  • Jane came back delighted yesterday. (4)
  • Corey said that he should be delighted. (9)
  • Sea delighted it not, nor land either. (10)
  • The prospect delighted Lord Fleetwood. (10)
  • She would have delighted to see it here. (10)
  • I wanted her to be delighted at seeing me. (4)
  • You will be delighted with them I am sure. (4)
  • He had delighted in the museums in his youth. (2)
  • How delighted was the Countess to hear that! (10)
  • I am delighted to find myself in such a circle. (4)
  • They will be delighted to come to-morrow evening. (4)
  • I never met with anybody who delighted me so much. (4)
  • I was mad with joy; and so delighted to have made a friend. (10)
  • One would have said: A wife delighted to welcome her husband! (8)
  • Her sisters were uneasy for her, but her mother was delighted. (4)
  • I wish you knew Miss Andrews, you would be delighted with her. (4)
  • Mrs. Pogram will be delighted to show Miss Freeland our garden. (8)
  • This delighted him so much that he fairly beamed with pleasure. (5)
  • The educated men of America were delighted with the appointment. (14)
  • At first the marooned convicts were delighted with their freedom. (19)
  • In the whimsicalities of others he delighted as much as in his own. (9)
  • She spoilt the secret bower-song he delighted to tell over to her. (10)
  • Well, how delighted I am that you have come this way; come right in. (18)
  • It was with a spasm of delighted reflection that she hit on Mr. Romfrey. (10)
  • And she did not feel much delighted with the idea of such a sister-in-law. (4)
  • He delighted in going to Pemberley, especially when he was least expected. (4)
  • A tumult of acclamation welcomed her words, and Jim looked immensely delighted. (10)
  • His boldly romantic appearance and happy faculty of anecdote delighted Letitia. (12)
  • She who two days back had come from Alps, delighted in the look on flat green fields. (10)
  • The contrast he afforded between plumpness and grace of movement always delighted her. (12)
  • Nedda raised her head, stared up at her aunt, and a delighted smile spread over her face. (8)
  • They were delighted to see dear Soames after this long long time; and so this was Annette! (8)
  • Henry was greatly honoured and very happy, and Catherine was quite delighted with the scheme. (4)
  • Of old he himself had delighted in artfulness as well as boldness and the unmistakeable hit. (10)
  • I tell you candidly, I take double, and the small good punch of a body is only too delighted. (10)
  • I was delighted, I confess, with this renewal of imagination in me after so many blank years. (14)
  • She ought, of course, to be delighted, but what was there to be delighted at? (8)
  • And she distributed to the delighted urchins all the silver that the doctor had in his pockets. (13)
  • The conversation he delighted in most might have been going on in any century since the Conquest. (10)
  • Her brother and sister came back delighted with their new acquaintance, and their visit in general. (4)
  • The delighted Wilhelminus posted away immediately to his brother, and shewed him the advertisement. (4)
  • Mrs. Norris seemed as much delighted with the saving it would be to Sir Thomas as with any part of it. (4)
  • For into action she never brought any of those patent novelties that delighted her soul in times of peace. (8)
  • Patronage of those beneath, much more than the courting of those above them, delighted the ladies of Brookfield. (10)
  • And in delighted silence the three little Trysts gazed, till Biddy with the tip of one wet finger touched the bee. (8)
  • He was, in fact, the most agreeable young man the sisters had ever known, and they were equally delighted with him. (4)
  • Her kind, compassionate visits to this old schoolfellow, sick and reduced, seemed to have quite delighted Mr Elliot. (4)
  • Long before they quitted Montreal they had rallied from this weakness, but they delighted still to honor her superb beauty. (9)
  • The tendency of his teaching was toward artificiality, as he delighted in puzzle canons and other exhibitions of ingenuity. (3)
  • If I was pleased to have a guide about the monastery, he was no less delighted to see an English face and hear an English tongue. (2)
  • It was a heartiness, and a warmth, and a sincerity which Anne delighted in the more, from the sad want of such blessings at home. (4)
  • I was delighted that I had guessed their relative qualities so perfectly, and when we arrived at Mrs. March I glibly presented them. (9)
  • Round him the circle of affections blooms, And in some happy nest of home he lives, One name oft uttering in delighted ears, Mother! (10)
  • All were delighted with the beauty of the landscape, the grassy meadows, the silvery streams replete with fish, the wooded mountains. (19)
  • He came; and he would have been delighted to shew his uniform there too, had not cruel custom prohibited its appearance except on duty. (4)
  • She had even learnt to detect, in the very gentleness which had first delighted her, an affectation and a sameness to disgust and weary. (4)
  • She told the story, however, with great spirit among her friends; for she had a lively, playful disposition, which delighted in anything ridiculous. (4)
  • Then, like schoolboys, delighted at a release from what they deemed duty, the huge beasts broke ranks and assumed different postures and occupations about the ring. (21)

Also see sentences for: blissful, charmed, enraptured, glad, gratified, happy, joyful.

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