Sentence for gisevius | Use gisevius in a sentence

Gisevius sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use gisevius in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for gisevius.

  • A greeting from the home-coming Gisevius awakened him from his thoughts. (12)
  • Frau Gisevius told him that Fräulein Schöntag had left half an hour ago. (12)
  • She hurried into the hall, rang the bell, and exchanged some words with Frau Gisevius. (12)
  • She thought of the wife of Gisevius, of a seamstress on the fourth floor, of the huckstress in the street, of Amadeus Voss. (12)
  • Your son lodges on the ground-floor of the inside flats with a certain Gisevius, who is night watchman in the Borsig works. (12)
  • Among them was the wife of Gisevius and her son, a young man whose behaviour was marked by the well-defined class-consciousness of the organized worker. (12)

Also see sentences for: girth, giulio.

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