Sentence for horrid | Use horrid in a sentence

Horrid example sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use horrid in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for horrid.

  • Horrid stuff! (8)
  • What horrid things! (9)
  • I see your horrid papers. (8)
  • And the horrid newspapers. (9)
  • Facts are such horrid things! (4)
  • It will save us from horrid misery! (10)
  • It will save us from horrid misery! (22)
  • Shelton was harassed by a horrid doubt. (8)
  • That is an amazing horrid book, is it not? (4)
  • The squire stood up with horrid contortions. (10)
  • The squire stood up with horrid contortions. (22)
  • Like lightning a horrid doubt shot across my mind. (6)
  • I have had a horrid wrong; Retribution is the law! (10)
  • With those horrid cases, you never know what will happen. (8)
  • After a brief horrid hesitation, she chose to face Wilfrid. (10)
  • Every minute was an hour long, and full of horrid imaginings. (8)
  • The very idea of conquest seemed to him vulgar, mean, horrid. (8)
  • Dartrey played the horrid part of executioner with some skill. (10)
  • I hate your horrid mines, with all the poor creatures underground. (8)
  • And the horrid idea was strengthened by his reverence for marriage. (8)
  • He is horrid every way: blunt, and rude, and horrid. (9)
  • She was free of the horrid associations with the scent of Marechale. (10)
  • The horrid echoed interrogation flashed a hideous view of the woman. (10)
  • His bitter face recurred: he chewed the cud of horrid hallucinations. (10)
  • But you must always be a man, especially with that horrid old Mr. Dryfoos. (9)
  • It seemed to her that nothing of this was real, but all some horrid dream. (8)
  • No amount of sponging would get the stains away from my horrid red eyelids. (10)
  • Horrid to behold, when we need a gracious presentation of the circumstances. (10)
  • It was a shilling day; and there would not be all those horrid common people. (8)
  • Was it possible that she could have taken part in such a horrid little scene? (8)
  • She had that horrid Rainbow woman with her and would have been nasty to the doctor. (13)
  • Or one of your hymns in Gaelic sung ferociously to sound as horrid to the Saxon, the wretch. (10)
  • And again that horrid feeling that he must knock his head against something rose in Summerhay. (8)
  • I really am quite ashamed of my idleness; but in this horrid place one can find time for nothing. (4)
  • She had not time to answer me, for every thought was now engaged by the horrid spectacle before us. (4)
  • He did not listen, for he was thinking what a deadly charming and exquisitely horrid witch she was. (10)
  • This somewhat far-fetched notion, having started to burrow, threw up a really horrid mole-hill on Stanley. (8)
  • Beauchamp signified the horrid intermixture of yes and no, frowned in pain of mind, and Walked up and down. (10)
  • Here occurred an opening for one of those acrid pleasantries which console us when there is horrid warfare within. (10)
  • Violent and horrid interventions of the counterfeit, such mad similes appeared to them, when pure coin was offered. (10)
  • That disgusting Bittridge has been here with his horrid wiggy old mother, and momma let him take Ellen to the theatre. (9)
  • The noise, the din of voices, and the laughing, so completely addled him, that he was like one in a very horrid dream. (6)
  • Well, and so just as the carriage came to the door, my uncle was called away upon business to that horrid man Mr. Stone. (4)
  • Drink of faith in the brains a full draught Before the oration: beware Lest rhetoric moonily waft Whither horrid activities snare. (10)
  • She, however, world not hear of a halt, and she was his main apology for being present; he was excruciatingly attached to the horrid woman. (10)
  • Where any other couple would have seen danger, they saw safety; and they contrived to accomplish it, according to those horrid talebearers. (10)
  • Castle of Wolfenbach, Clermont, Mysterious Warnings, Necromancer of the Black Forest, Midnight Bell, Orphan of the Rhine, and Horrid Mysteries. (4)
  • While speaking he pricked a lively ear for the noise of guns, hearing a gun in everything, and jumping to the window with horrid imprecations. (10)
  • Higher and more-celestial than the Salvatore, it was likewise, now she could assure herself serenely, independent of the horrid blood-emotions. (10)
  • He dressed carefully, and soon heard a great City bell, with horrid gulfs between the strokes, tell him that the hour was eleven toward midnight. (10)
  • He dressed carefully, and soon heard a great City bell, with horrid gulfs between the strokes, tell him that the hour was eleven toward midnight. (22)

Also see sentences for: detestable, horrible, offensive.

Definition of horrid:

  • horrid, hor’id, adj. fitted to produce horror: shocking: offensive. | adv. horr’idly. | n. horr’idness. (0)

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