Sentence for pardon | Use pardon in a sentence

Pardon in a sample sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use pardon in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for pardon.

  • I beg your pardon! (8)
  • Begged his pardon! (10)
  • A Feverel beg his pardon! (10)
  • Beg pardon? (8)
  • Pardon me. (10)
  • Beg pardon, sir? (8)
  • I beg your pardon? (8)
  • I trust I can pardon. (10)
  • I beg your pardon, sir. (4)
  • Nay, pardon: I disturb. (10)
  • Death is peace and pardon. (9)
  • I ought to beg her pardon. (9)
  • Pardon me for talking so. (10)
  • Pardon me; it is impossible. (10)
  • He had only to ask for pardon. (10)
  • I ask your pardon; I am talking. (8)
  • May I, indeed, ask your pardon? (10)
  • But pardon me, how are you to tell? (8)
  • Pardon: I mean it was not like that which we cooked. (7)
  • You will pardon me, Mrs. Warwick . (10)
  • Will he vouchsafe to me his pardon? (10)
  • I beg your pardon again, Mr. Verrian. (9)
  • You give me your pardon, do you not? (10)
  • You give me your pardon, do you not? (22)
  • I beg your pardon, but I am bewildered. (4)
  • I beg your pardon; did you speak to me? (8)
  • Lieutenant Pierson, will you pardon me? (10)
  • He begged pardon for having displeased her. (4)
  • If he were not profligate I ask his pardon. (9)
  • Caroline fell upon her neck, asking pardon. (10)
  • Her foot trod on his; she begged his pardon. (8)
  • I beg your pardon, but I cannot quite believe you. (4)
  • I do not seek, for I have not deserved, your pardon. (10)
  • My appeal to her is for an explanation or for pardon. (10)
  • Now, my Luigi, you may fail me, and I may pardon you. (10)
  • I shall entreat his pardon for not having done it earlier. (4)
  • Pardon a wretched little scheme to save you from annoyance! (10)
  • There was no need to ask for pardon from those gentle eyes. (10)
  • There was no need to ask for pardon from those gentle eyes. (22)
  • Pardon me, you look as if you had been close on a sunstroke. (10)
  • He laughed, and then he begged her pardon if he had been rude. (9)
  • He humbly axes pardon, which is accorded him with a blunt nod. (10)
  • My tears flow because of no fleshly anguish: I pardon my enemies. (10)
  • I could not help running up to the gentleman to beg for his pardon. (10)
  • Let the wicked be contrite and washed in tears, and I think I can pardon them. (10)
  • She let the question approach her, whether Chillon could pardon Lord Fleetwood. (10)
  • She walked; she read poetry; she begged him to pardon her for not drinking wine. (10)
  • She walked; she read poetry; she begged him to pardon her for not drinking wine. (22)
  • She was very amusing about her postillion; Danvers had to beg pardon for laughing. (10)
  • He did it as delicately as possible, half begging pardon, and perspiring profusely. (10)
  • He suspected that she might pardon him even now, though she had left him inexplicably. (13)
  • He gave me a quiet hint; I told him he was mistaken; he asked my pardon and said no more. (4)
  • Fly to Lugano by the help of these notes: I inclose them, and will not ask pardon for it. (10)
  • She was doing what her conscience could only pardon on the plea of her extreme innocence. (10)
  • Look upon me writhing here and crying for pardon, and go out and tell the others about it. (12)
  • The reason is, that our brave world cannot pardon a breach of continuity for any petty bribe. (10)
  • He was ready to pardon, as a Christian should, but he did want his enemy before him on his knees. (10)
  • They laughed at themselves, accused hotly, and humbly excused themselves, praying for mutual pardon. (10)
  • His voice seemed to have an accent of compunction, to ask pardon for having issued that impulsive invitation. (8)
  • He has secretly sent messengers in all directions to seek her, and recover her, and obtain her pardon: in vain. (10)
  • He had to obtain pardon for tardiness, by saying that dinner at Brookfield had been delayed for the return of Mr. (10)
  • Under these circumstances, ladies in need of money can find it in their hearts to pardon mere brutality of phrase. (10)
  • Seeing, however, that her end was gained, she was entitled to the credit of it, and could pardon the means adopted. (10)
  • Adela laughed and blushed, like one who petitions pardon for this her utmost sin, that is not regretted as it should be. (10)
  • She was expected to pardon the husband, who had not abstained from his revenge on her for keeping him to the pledge of his word. (10)
  • Perchance my heart may pardon you this deed: But be no coward:- you that made Love bleed, You must bear all the venom of his tooth! (10)
  • She burned to be interrogated, to have to weep, to be scorned, abused, and forgiven, that she might say she did not deserve pardon. (10)
  • And it requires a humane nature to pardon such an aspect in a person from whom we have expected triumphing glances and strong thrilling tones. (10)
  • The prince Grew bright for him; saw youth, if seeming loth, Return: and of pure pardon to convince, Despatched the messenger most dear with both. (10)
  • Truce, treaty, withdrawal, signified publicly pardon, not exoneration by any means; and now that she was in armour she had no dread of the public. (10)
  • Heavy Benson was told to anticipate the demand for pardon, and practised in his mind the most melancholy Christian deportment he could assume on the occasion. (10)
  • Pardon me if I state my opinion that you young Englishmen of to-day are sometimes rather overbearing in your assumption of a superior knowledge of horseflesh. (10)

Also see sentences for: absolution, acquit, excuse, forgive, forgiveness, justify, release.

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