Sentence for riband | Use riband in a sentence

Riband example sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use riband in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for riband.

  • Her yellow hair was hidden by a grey felt hat adorned by a silk riband. (12)
  • One had a red riband fastened to its shoulder, the other a green; this was for identification. (12)
  • A week later, she had the embrace of her Louise, and Armandine was made happy with a piece of Parisian riband. (10)
  • I am wilful, violent, capricious, weak, Wound in a web of my own spinning-wheel, A star-gazer, a riband in the wind . (10)

Also see sentences for: ribands.

Definition of riband:

  • riband, rib’and, n. same as ribbon.(0)

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