Sentence for roberval | Use roberval in a sentence

Roberval example sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use roberval in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for roberval.

  • Roberval meant to have gone out with Cartier, but was detained until the following year. (19)
  • In vain Roberval entreated the {10} King to come to his rescue with supplies of colonists, food, and ammunition. (19)
  • But Roberval wrought nothing, and famine at length reduced the survivors to a state of abject dependence upon the natives. (19)
  • On the way back he met the Sieur de Roberval, who afterwards built a fort on the St. Lawrence and explored the surrounding country. (19)
  • Roberval reluctantly obeyed, and thus this first attempt to establish a French colony on the banks of the St. Lawrence ended in failure. (19)

Also see sentences for: robert, roberts.

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