Sentence for scowl | Use scowl in a sentence

Scowl example sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use scowl in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for scowl.

  • Jon screwed his features into a scowl. (8)
  • And the lion began to scowl, and the other beasts marked the displeasure of the lion. (10)
  • Arnold did not look at Sven, but a scowl came over his brow as he passed into the little office room, slamming the door behind him. (18)

Also see sentences for: frown, lower.

Definition of scowl:

  • scowl, skowl, v.i. to wrinkle the brows in displeasure: to look sour or angry: to look gloomy. | n. the wrinkling of the brows when displeased. | p.adj. scow’ling. | adv. scow’lingly. (0) | scowl, skowl, n. (_prov._) old workings of iron ore.(0)

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