Sentence for sheep-dogs | Use sheep-dogs in a sentence

Sentences with sheep-dogs in them. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use sheep-dogs in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for sheep-dogs.

  • It froze hard all the week, and he began a life-size group of their two sheep-dogs. (8)
  • When he had gone, Lennan remained staring at his unfinished sheep-dogs in the gathering dusk. (8)
  • With what curious silence he walked round and round the group of sheep-dogs, inquiring into them with that long crinkled nose of his! (8)
  • Three days later the sheep-dogs suddenly abandoned the pose into which he had lured them with such difficulty, and made for the studio door. (8)
  • She had slipped her knee already from the pummel, and slid down; the sheep-dogs were instantly on their hind-feet, propping themselves against her waist. (8)

Also see sentences for: sheep, sheepish, sheepishly.

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