Sentence for stanza | Use stanza in a sentence

A sentence using the word stanza. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use stanza in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for stanza.

  • What was the stanza of that patriotic poet? (8)
  • The sixth stanza was not recited, but was written immediately afterward. (14)
  • He had jotted a stanza, and was searching the grass for another verse, when something hard touched his shoulder-a green parasol. (8)

Also see sentences for: stanton, star.

Definition of stanza:

  • stanza, stan’za, n. a series of lines or verses connected with and adjusted to each other in a fixed order of sequence as regards length and metrical form: a division of a poem containing every variation of measure in the poem. | adj. stanz’ic. (0)

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