Sentence for statement | Use statement in a sentence

Sentences for statement. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use statement in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for statement.

  • Meditate on that statement. (10)
  • Palmet accepted the statement. (10)
  • Crummins doggedly repeated the statement. (10)
  • The father began a statement of his affairs. (9)
  • I must think your statement by no means fair. (4)
  • Give a statement of the Sonata as constructed by Beethoven. (3)
  • His statement of the circumstances bewildered me even more. (10)
  • Emilia received this statement with a most perplexing smile. (10)
  • He stared, and appeared to insist upon a contrary statement. (10)
  • She exhibited no sign of eagerness for his statement of facts. (10)
  • He found himself hoping that his statement would be laughed at. (10)
  • Or could they, when they would not bear a statement of the case? (10)
  • Tuckham stood bursting at the monstrousness of such a statement. (10)
  • Yet it would be false indeed to regard such a statement as final. (14)
  • I can only attest the entirely credible character of the statement. (7)
  • Mrs. March gave her a succinct but perfect statement of their needs. (9)
  • To her irreverent soul only the droll side of the statement appeared. (9)
  • Monsieur Profond moved his sleek head as if to minimize his statement. (8)
  • I have to repeat the statement, that he was a youth, and a modest one. (10)
  • Those blue eyes looked as if he were about to utter a prophetic statement. (8)
  • A statement that he could call false must be challenged hot the next morning. (10)
  • I feel that this last statement will be hardly understood without explanation. (7)
  • I am not prepared to contest the statement that you have a political instinct. (10)
  • The landlady of the house, coming up the kitchen stairs, confirmed the statement. (10)
  • The landlady of the house, coming up the kitchen stairs, confirmed the statement. (22)
  • Clelia Guidascarpi, according to his statement, had first been slain by her brothers. (10)
  • The dividing line between opinion and statement of fact is, however, most troublesome. (16)
  • The Press answered them boldly, with the appalling statement that we had no navy and no army. (10)
  • Guizot.—History of France, for an account of Paris in 1100, with a statement of manners and customs. (3)
  • If you are not lost to every feeling of womanly delicacy you will accept my statement without question. (1)
  • They were the politely flowing feminine of a statement of the fact, which might have been in one line. (10)
  • He is apologetic and regretful, offers cash remuneration and receives a written statement of satisfaction. (21)
  • The little model seemed to try and nerve herself to make some statement, but, failing, passed into the house. (8)
  • He only imparted a succinct statement as to the where and when of the whole matter, leaving the how of it untold. (9)
  • I have been obliged to write word to Mrs. Beauchamp that I believe Nevil to have made a true statement of the facts. (10)
  • The statement was correct, and Shelton, placing some garments in the bath-room, invited his visitor to make himself at home. (8)
  • The statement that the Press Association of England is an unlimited coöperative organization betrays incomplete information. (16)
  • When asked to sign the protocol, however, he retracted his entire statement, and denied his guilt with extreme stubbornness. (12)
  • There are those who claim that it does not require any money,—that it can be done on nerve alone,—and they produce evidence to support the statement. (16)
  • The critic must not mix with his comment statement of facts which are not true, since the statement of facts is not criticism at all. (16)
  • With this statement Rosalie stopped and looked around her, frightened by her own frankness, which she now recognized as unwise and fatal to the last degree. (5)
  • It is painful to confess that Marlowe received this solemn statement with less of gravity than was due to the mysterious nature of the calamity foreshadowed. (1)
  • The ropedancer remembered this statement, questioned other Bacchantes about these things, and heard the doctrine of the transmigration of the soul confirmed. (5)
  • After all, it consisted mainly of fragmentary intimations from Miss Triscoe and of half-uttered questions which her own art now built into a coherent statement. (9)
  • The movement now assumed a cyclic form—a statement, leading to a point of contrast, a free fantasia, and finally the statement, leading to a close. (3)
  • The practical statement, and this adjuration incongruously to conclude it, harmonized with her disordered understanding, her loss of all sentiment and her desire to be kind. (10)

Also see sentences for: assertion, avowal, declaration, expression, mention, pronunciation, report.

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