Sentence for stench | Use stench in a sentence

Sentences using the word stench. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use stench in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for stench.

  • Then in that volume of stench would he discern the sullen yellow eye of malice. (10)
  • And there were no real things in the world except stench and misery and avarice and greed and treachery and malevolence and lust. (12)
  • Now he goes and renounces, lives amid want and stench, nurses a woman of the streets and mingles with outcasts; and what is the result? (12)

Also see sentences for: fragrance, perfume.

Definition of stench:

  • stench, stensh, n. stink: a strong bad odour or smell. | adj. stench’y. (0)

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