Sentence for sutherland | Use sutherland in a sentence

Sutherland sentence example. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use sutherland in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for sutherland.

  • There he met Captain Sutherland and Colonel Robinson. (18)
  • Captain Sutherland had thought of Barclugh as fast asleep, little thinking that his passenger would disobey orders. (18)
  • Not even Captain Sutherland could be informed as to the business or name of Barclugh; he was simply introduced as Mr. Gustavus. (18)
  • When the sloop drew up into the inlet, Barclugh got the glass from Captain Sutherland and critically examined the lines and rig of the Holker. (18)
  • Therefore, a letter was sent to General Arnold by Captain Sutherland of the Vulture, claiming usage against the code of civilized nations at war. (18)
  • Before morning Little Egg Harbor inlet was reached, but since the moon did not rise clear after midnight, Captain Sutherland stood on and off until daylight. (18)

Also see sentences for: cumberland, overland, swisserland, switzerland.

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