Sentence for undid | Use undid in a sentence

A sentence for the word undid. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use undid in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for undid.

  • So saying, he undid the tasselled cord tied round the middle of his gown. (8)
  • She had never counted upon his having a passenger, and the fact undid all. (9)
  • If she partly succeeded in stupefying her antagonism, five minutes of him undid the work. (10)
  • The old man released her, and Rhoda undid her hands from him, and led the pale Sacrifice to another room. (10)
  • The old man released her, and Rhoda undid her hands from him, and led the pale Sacrifice to another room. (22)
  • Clare undid her tight-shut fingers, as if to some attraction of her eyes, and displayed a small gold hoop on the palm of a green glove. (10)

Also see sentences for: undeveloped, undignified.

Definition of undid:

  • undid, un-did’, pa.t. of undo.(0)

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