Sentence for unwelcome | Use unwelcome in a sentence

Unwelcome sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use unwelcome in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for unwelcome.

  • That very evening brought your most unwelcome uncle. (4)
  • Pain was not unwelcome to her, but this threatened weakness. (10)
  • That was the unwelcome news his son sailed back to tell him. (19)
  • Hassan Ali, the giant of the side-show, is the most unwelcome visitor. (21)
  • The conviction of his determination once admitted, it was not unwelcome. (4)
  • They were told briefly that they were unwelcome visitors in that region, and must depart. (19)
  • The atmosphere of this dark house where he was a stranger, an unwelcome stranger, was insupportable. (8)
  • Yet Beauchamp, when in the presence of his hostess, could see that he was both unexpected and unwelcome. (10)
  • Disobedience at the post of duty is treachery; resignation in the face of an unwelcome billet is desertion. (16)
  • He had told her the most extraordinary, the most inconceivable, the most unwelcome news; and she could think of nothing else. (4)
  • When she had at last reached the myrtle grove, which had concealed the lovers from her eyes, she could not help beholding the unwelcome sight. (5)
  • It subdued her with an unwelcome touch of tenderness when she thought of it as involving tenderness for her mother, some chivalrous respect for her mother. (10)

Also see sentences for: objectionable, undesirable.

Definition of unwelcome:

  • unwelcome, un-wel’kum, adj. not welcome, causing grief. | v.t. to treat as unwelcome. | adv. unwel’comely. | n. unwel’comeness.(0)

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