Sentence for defection | Use defection in a sentence

A sentence using the word defection. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use defection in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for defection.

  • There must be some other reason for his defection. (8)
  • Kitty and Lydia take his defection much more to heart than I do. (4)
  • When all is said, however, the defection of the daily press has been a staggering blow to democracy. (16)
  • But again he was alone at the trysting spot, and this second defection on the part of Holly upset him dreadfully. (8)
  • Lottie sunnily announced that she was going to stay with her mother, and did not even try to account for her defection to Mr. Trannel. (9)
  • Mrs. Chump had identified herself with Brookfield so warmly that the defection of Mr. Pericles was a fine legitimate excitement to her. (10)
  • As often as I happened to meet him after our defection he used me with unabated kindness, and sparkled into some gaiety too ethereal for remembrance. (9)

Also see sentences for: desertion, relapse, renunciation, unfaithfulness.

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