Sentence for chopping | Use chopping in a sentence

Sentences using the word chopping. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use chopping in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for chopping.

  • Pinking beats chopping. (10)
  • A sound of chopping guided him. (8)
  • The lawn will be small enough as it is without chopping it into two pieces. (17)
  • So to the task of chopping and hewing and hammering they flew without delay. (19)
  • During dinner he had again that old remembrance of a little man chopping at a castle with his sword. (8)

Also see sentences for: dropping, fire-stopping, hopping, mopping, popping, shopping, stopping.

Definition of chopping:

  • chopping, chop’ing, adj. stout, strapping, plump.(0)

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