Sentence for contrapuntal | Use contrapuntal in a sentence

Sentence using the word contrapuntal. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use contrapuntal in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for contrapuntal.

  • Their distaste for the contrapuntal style led these reformers to reject it so far as they could. (3)
  • His two-part rapid contrapuntal work is excellent, both for musical merit and for technical study. (3)
  • Peri and Caccini were the only musicians and they were strongly averse to the contrapuntal music of the day. (3)
  • In the hands of its founders, the Italian violinists, the exposition of this thought had been mainly contrapuntal. (3)
  • It shows the force of his genius that he was able to make his works in the strict contrapuntal forms full of real feeling. (3)
  • His works show the influence of Liszt and Berlioz, mingled with the stricter style of the old Italian contrapuntal writers. (3)
  • His compositions, many of which have been preserved, have a very decided contrapuntal character, whence some have called him the inventor of the organ fugue. (3)
  • Unlike the modern impressionistic school, his art is based on essentially musical ideas and their contrapuntal treatment; it is architectural rather than pictorial. (3)

Also see sentences for: contralto, contrariety.

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