Sentences for epitaph. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use epitaph in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for epitaph.
- And here, I think, is the moment for the epitaph of anticipation over him, and the exclamation, alas! (10)
- It symbolized for him all that was catch-penny in the national life-an epitaph on the grave of generosity, unutterably sad. (8)
- If this line of verse be not yet in our literature, Through very love of self himself he slew, let it be admitted for his epitaph. (10)
Also see sentences for: epistle, epithet.
Definition of epitaph:
- epitaph, ep’i-taf, n. a commemorative inscription on a tombstone or monument. | v.t. to write an epitaph upon. | adjs. epitaph’ian, epitaph’ic. | n. ep’itaphist, a writer of epitaphs. (0)
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