Sentence for faithless | Use faithless in a sentence

Faithless used in sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use faithless in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for faithless.

  • Are you utterly faithless? (10)
  • They have proved themselves faithless. (8)
  • Hurry is the resource of the faithless. (2)
  • Was it possible for the woman who had seen him then to be faithless to him? (10)
  • They enact for the villagers a mimic tragedy of love and jealousy, but Canio makes it real by actually stabbing the faithless Nedda. (3)
  • I certainly did not rank Professor Crooklyn among the possibly faithless, or I never would have ventured on Doctor Middleton at my table. (10)

Also see sentences for: disloyal, doubting, incredulous, traitorous, treacherous, unfaithful.

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