Sentence for forgiveness | Use forgiveness in a sentence

Use the word forgiveness in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use forgiveness in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for forgiveness.

  • I beg his forgiveness. (8)
  • That is his notion of Christian forgiveness! (4)
  • I have some forgiveness to ask. (10)
  • I have some forgiveness to ask. (22)
  • May you get forgiveness from above! (10)
  • May you get forgiveness from above! (22)
  • I shall hope to have your forgiveness. (10)
  • Only, forgiveness is another question. (10)
  • There is, for all, forgiveness and peace. (13)
  • Repentance is proved, forgiveness is earned. (10)
  • She bowed her head to heaven for forgiveness. (10)
  • He had a longing to make atonement and to win forgiveness. (9)
  • I would bear forgiveness with me, that I may have it above. (10)
  • There are times when forgiveness is a sin, Michael Strangway. (8)
  • Jolyon could see that Irene was deeply affected by this simple forgiveness. (8)
  • Far from expungeing the doubt of her, forgiveness gave it a stamp and an edge. (10)
  • Kissing him one night, she laid her head on his breast, and begged his forgiveness. (10)
  • Maniacal for argument, Fleetwood rejected the forgiveness of sins, if sins they be. (10)
  • One of these excludes any forgiveness of offences by the party moving for a divorce. (8)
  • She loves you, and believes in you, and will kneel to you for forgiveness by-and-by. (10)
  • Their mutual forgiveness was very sweet to them, and they went on praising each other. (9)
  • If, however, she had forgiven her lord, the shattering of their union was the cost of forgiveness. (10)
  • This, when repeated to Lady Blandish, should have propitiated her, and shown his great forgiveness. (10)
  • When a woman says she never will forgive a man, she always has a condition of forgiveness in her heart. (9)
  • It was not ingratitude that he ever minded; it was treachery, that really maddened him past forgiveness. (9)
  • I do not understand that you should waste your bravery under that ugly flag, bloody and past forgiveness. (10)
  • He seemed to believe her and begged her forgiveness, promising more gentleness and silence and consideration. (12)
  • I hoped to spare his feelings, I beg his forgiveness now, by devoting some of it, unknown to him, to assist him. (10)
  • Yet when it came to the point of action, she seemed to be withdrawing her forgiveness, to be judging and condemning him. (13)
  • That worm-like thread of voice came up to him still from sexton-depths: it sounded a larger forgiveness without the word. (10)
  • She begged my forgiveness for her hardness, adding characteristically that she could never have acted in any other manner. (10)
  • His renewed enslavement set him perusing his tyrant keenly, as nauseated captives do; and he saw, that forgiveness was beside the case. (10)
  • Her feeling was, that she forgave the wrinkled Malignity: pity and contrition dissolving in the effort to produce the placable forgiveness. (10)
  • In technical language, any such forgiveness or overlooking is called condonation, and it is a complete bar to further action for the time being. (8)
  • The alternations for the young should be school and home: and it should be in their hearts to have confidence that forgiveness alternates with discipline. (10)
  • Forgiveness does not matter, though I now believe that poor loving old man who waits outside his door weeping, is wrong-headed only in his political views. (10)

Also see sentences for: absolution, discharge, pardon.

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