Sentence for criticisms | Use criticisms in a sentence

Criticisms sentence example. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use criticisms in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for criticisms.

  • He likewise hears complaints and criticisms of the paper. (16)
  • His three books on French composers, and his many criticisms, have made him known in the domain of musical literature. (3)
  • The point of view from which all my criticisms have been made is that of the citizen of fair intelligence and education. (16)
  • He does not ask eulogies nor does he resent fair criticisms; he is content to be judged by what he is and what he has accomplished. (16)
  • His activity in literature, and the accumulation of his published writings, were making him more steadily a conspicuous figure and calling out appreciation and criticisms. (14)

Also see sentences for: critic, critically, criticism, criticized, critics.

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