Sentence for fir-tree | Use fir-tree in a sentence

A sentence using the word fir-tree. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use fir-tree in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for fir-tree.

  • Lengths down our road each fir-tree seems a hive, In swarms outrushing from the golden comb. (10)
  • Palmet sang out, and the ladies discerned Beauchamp under a fir-tree, down by the road, not alone. (10)
  • Flowers of the clematis drip in beard, Slack from the fir-tree youngly climbed; Chaplets in air, flies foliage seared; Heeled upon earth, lie clusters rimed. (10)

Also see sentences for: pear-tree.

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