Sentence for impolite | Use impolite in a sentence

Impolite used in sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use impolite in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for impolite.

  • It was as much as Emma could bear, without being impolite. (4)
  • He was never impolite to any of them; he simply froze them out. (8)
  • The critic need not be impolite even to the youngest and weakest author. (9)

Also see sentences for: brusque, churlish, disrespectful, gruff, rude, surly, uncivil.

Definition of impolite:

  • impolite, im-po-lt’, adj. of unpolished manners: uncivil. | adv. impolite’ly. | n. impolite’ness.(0)

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