Sentence for projection | Use projection in a sentence

Use projection in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use projection in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for projection.

  • She responded with an indignant projection of the underjaw, evanishing rapidly. (10)
  • Farina caught on a projection of crag, and fixed his eyes on what was passing on the height. (10)
  • Anthony made a long arm over the projection of his coat, and clasped it securely; sullenly refusing to answer. (10)
  • Anthony made a long arm over the projection of his coat, and clasped it securely; sullenly refusing to answer. (22)
  • Cecil slightly lifted his hat, with the short projection of the head of the stately peacock in its walk, and passed out of the garden. (10)

Also see sentences for: projected, projecting, projects.

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