Sentence for trough | Use trough in a sentence

Sentences with trough. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use trough in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for trough.

  • He had to believe; and then, we read, he was for hours like a vessel rolling in the trough of the sea. (10)
  • Two hours later the cable parted, and the ship was hurled rudderless to and fro in the trough of the sea. (19)
  • We paddled on for several miles in the trough of the sea, dodging the waves and escaping capsize only by careful steering. (20)
  • But the world is a piggy-wiggy world for the wealthy fellow who fills a trough for it, and that he has always very sagaciously done. (10)

Also see sentences for: channel, ditch, gutter, trench.

Definition of trough:

  • trough, trof, n. a long, hollow vessel for water or other liquid: a long tray: a long narrow channel: a concavity or hollow. (0)

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