Sentence for admiral | Use admiral in a sentence

Sentences with admiral. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use admiral in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for admiral.

  • So said Admiral Baldwin. (10)
  • Did Admiral Crawford apply? (4)
  • My dear Admiral, that post! (4)
  • So, in his way, is the admiral. (10)
  • The admiral was on the road behind. (10)
  • The Admiral, he believed, had interest. (4)
  • Admiral Fakenham and Carinthia descended. (10)
  • The admiral wishes you to step up to him. (10)
  • Admiral Baldwin sat up to sign the letter. (10)
  • I could not but fancy the Admiral suspected. (10)
  • The Admiral abused him for his want of gallantry. (4)
  • We were joined by Admiral Loftus and Lord Alton. (10)
  • He was a seaman of the navy, like Admiral Fakenham is. (10)
  • I should have visited Admiral Croft, however, at any rate. (4)
  • The crude philosopher asked it as helplessly as the admiral. (10)
  • He got the admiral away to take him to those reviews cleverly. (10)
  • The Admiral, Sir Hovenden Walker, was both foolish and perverse. (19)
  • The admiral showered briny masculine comments on that bridegroom. (10)
  • Countess Livia attacked Carinthia Jane and the admiral backing her. (10)
  • Admiral Fakenham, too, engaged to leave the matter to a man of honour. (10)
  • Janet named a famous admiral, kindling as a fiery beacon to our blood. (10)
  • With Amherst and Wolfe sailed a powerful fleet under Admiral Boscawen. (19)
  • On seeing that they were all against him, Admiral Destournelles retired. (19)
  • Picture to yourselves my amazement; I shall not easily forget Admiral Baldwin. (4)
  • They were driving to some chateau or battlefield the admiral wanted to inspect. (10)
  • The lady was the daughter of a famous admiral, handsome, and latterly of light fame. (10)
  • If you look across the street, you will see Admiral Brand coming down and his brother. (4)
  • Admiral Baldwin lay in his bed, submitting to a nurse-woman-sign of extreme exhaustion. (10)
  • But when Lady Fleetwood had the fact from the admiral, would she forbear to excite him? (10)
  • She went trembling to the admiral, though his health was delicate, his temper excitable. (10)
  • The admiral will bring us his Miss Kirby to-morrow, if he is bound to remain here to-night. (10)
  • The Admiral has his faults, but he is a very good man, and has been more than a father to me. (4)
  • The Admiral does not seem very ill, and I sincerely hope Bath will do him all the good he wants. (4)
  • An admiral speaks his own consequence, and, at the same time, can never make a baronet look small. (4)
  • The Admiral hated marriage, and thought it never pardonable in a young man of independent fortune. (4)
  • A young midshipman there was, named Jervis, who became the great English Admiral Earl St. Vincent. (19)
  • In vain Admiral Walker was warned that to steer to the north was to advance to certain destruction. (19)
  • The admiral consented that his daughter should go, as soon as he heard that Miss Kirby was to stay. (10)
  • Now, I know old Burley promised Mel to leave him his money, and called the Admiral an ungrateful dog. (10)
  • A regular Board with a permanent Lord High Admiral, and a regular vote of money to keep it up to the mark. (10)
  • I have this moment heard that the Crofts are going to Bath almost immediately; they think the Admiral gouty. (4)
  • I would not allow myself yesterday to say how delighted, or to repeat half that the Admiral said in his praise. (4)
  • It was the gift of her good godmother, old Mrs. Admiral Maxwell, only six weeks before she was taken for death. (4)
  • Beauchamp thought of the strange gulf now between him and the time when he pined to be a commodore, and an admiral. (10)
  • She therefore satisfied herself with common-place remarks or quiet attention, and the Admiral had it all his own way. (4)
  • At any moment a window might open, and some old admiral thrust forth a cocked hat, and proceed to take an observation. (2)
  • Gower was presently summoned to the chamber where Admiral Fakenham reclined on cushions in an edifice of an arm-chair. (10)
  • What astonished him most was to find his father in command of an English ship, and wearing the dress of an English Admiral. (19)
  • But before he could really carry out this dangerous scheme the English admiral once more showed his face in the St. Lawrence. (19)
  • He, too, adopted a vocation other than music, graduating from a Government school and afterwards attaining the rank of admiral. (3)
  • And it was he got Admiral Harrington made a captain, posted, commodore, admiral, and K.C.B., all in seven years! (10)
  • My poor aunt always felt affected if within ten miles of the sea, which the Admiral of course never believed, but I know it was so. (4)
  • Anne did not receive the perfect conviction which the Admiral meant to convey, but it would have been useless to press the enquiry farther. (4)
  • The admiral threatened it every night for the morning, every morning for the night; and Gower had to submit to postponements balefully affecting his linen. (10)
  • By general understanding, the experienced cruiser, or Admiral of the fleet, was expected to do the cooking, and he had made elaborate preparations for this duty. (20)

Also see sentences for: admiralty.

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