Sentence for anguish | Use anguish in a sentence

Sentences for anguish. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use anguish in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for anguish.

  • O creature of anguish! (10)
  • Adela cried in anguish. (10)
  • It was an unendurable anguish. (10)
  • Horror melted in anguish to hear. (10)
  • Dahlia seemed torn by a new anguish. (10)
  • Dahlia seemed torn by a new anguish. (22)
  • Lavender in anguish, leaning far out. (8)
  • Bessie dramatized an excess of anguish. (9)
  • Anguish balanced pleasure in them both. (10)
  • Intolerable anguish weakened his limbs. (10)
  • The tempest was as a forgotten anguish. (10)
  • Every detail of parting was anguish to him. (9)
  • I philosophized, but my anguish was great. (10)
  • Her wish to be free of him was his anguish. (10)
  • For myself, only ignominy and mental anguish. (21)
  • I am enamoured of fleshly anguish and martyrdom. (10)
  • Imagine the anguish of his mind during that time. (8)
  • His whole body was racked and wrenched with an insupportable anguish! (1)
  • She did so, and a torturing anguish seized her heart. (5)
  • The warmth and the love were bringing back her anguish. (10)
  • He caused her a spasm of anguish, foreknowing him doomed. (10)
  • He with early ardour glowing, She with rosy anguish rare. (10)
  • To realise this was to endure very poignant spiritual anguish. (8)
  • He exhibited an anguish that they were not able to commiserate. (10)
  • There was no interval on his passage from anguish to immobility. (10)
  • My tears flow because of no fleshly anguish: I pardon my enemies. (10)
  • With the sweat of anguish on his forehead, Count Paul drew sword. (10)
  • The mere sight of the printed page, broken up in dialogue, was anguish. (9)
  • The track of the bullet through his head ached with an intenser anguish. (1)
  • He was too weak to restrain his anguish, and flung on the couch and sobbed. (10)
  • Sinking deeper, an anguish of humiliation smote her to a sense of drowning. (10)
  • She trembled, she made her petition dismal by her anguish of speechlessness. (10)
  • Her bloodless fixed features revealed an intensity of anguish that checked him. (10)
  • And the anguish of that thought, reacting on his anger, intensified it threefold. (8)
  • At first she could have sobbed with the keen anguish that instantaneously beset her. (10)
  • The sight was pitiful, for her face scarcely changed; the anguish was expressionless. (10)
  • Nataly also had the fancy, that the calm following on her anguish, was a moderation of it. (10)
  • Love was to him with anguish fast enlaced, And Beauty where she walked blood-shot the dews. (10)
  • The anguish of the touch wrung a stifled scream from him, at which she screamed responsive. (10)
  • The anguish of the touch wrung a stifled scream from him, at which she screamed responsive. (22)
  • Save by the shining of a wet forehead, his face betrayed nothing of the anguish he suffered. (10)
  • By degrees it wore; he remembered himself: and now he was possessed by a proportionate anguish. (10)
  • In his anguish he told his sister he was ruined, and she advised him to marry before the crash. (10)
  • He watched the anguish of the prayer, and was rewarded for the strain of his faculties by sleep. (10)
  • That night he lay in a deep anguish, revolving the means by which he might help and protect her. (10)
  • Cold lines, but penned by what heart-broken abnegation, and underlying them with what anguish of soul! (10)
  • The anguish through which action had just hurried her, now fell with a conscious weight upon her heart. (10)
  • She was a draggled woman, with a face of slothful anguish, like one of the inner spectres of a guilty man. (10)
  • And breezes go by, With no whisper of woe; And strange feet cannot guess of the anguish that slumbers below. (10)
  • Fixed there by the keenest of all anguish, self-reproach, she could find no interval of ease or forgetfulness. (4)
  • It was for him now to be struck; but he was suffering too strong an anguish to be susceptible to mock tragedy. (10)
  • She saw with alarm and anguish that Clare had fallen into the pit she had been digging for her so laboriously. (10)
  • Then she caught up one hand to her mouth, and rolled her head, in evident anguish at the necessitated silence. (10)
  • To end the anguish of his struggle he quickened his steps, so that he found he was reaching home almost at a run. (9)
  • They were unwearied; they had one object; the mortal anguish they had gone through had left them no sense for regrets. (10)
  • A fierce resentment burned in her heart; she longed to make him feel something of the anguish she had needlessly undergone. (9)
  • The unhappy caricaturist groaned between triumph as a leader, and anguish at the prospect of a possible host of successors. (10)
  • She wept with that last anguish of a woman who is compelled to weep, but is incapable of finding any enjoyment in her tears. (10)
  • They listened with respect as she boasted in what an anguish of wisdom she had decided between the Colmannia and the Norumbia. (9)
  • If we have to pass through anguish to discover it and cherish the peace it gives to clasp it, calling it ours, is a full reward. (10)
  • There are touches of bliss in anguish that superhumanize bliss, touches of mystery in simplicity, of the eternal in the variable. (10)
  • Ah, what a sweat of anguish in that strife To hold them fast conjoined within him still; Submissive to his will Along the road of life! (10)
  • The sight of those strange smiles affected Scorrier more than all the anguish or despair he had seen scored on the faces of other dead men. (8)
  • The ladies, in their utter anguish, after inveighing against the baneful Port, had begged their father to delay no more to marry the woman. (10)
  • The sisters that night slept together, feeling the very pulses of the hours; yet neither of them absolutely hopelessly, although in a great anguish. (10)
  • The sisters that night slept together, feeling the very pulses of the hours; yet neither of them absolutely hopelessly, although in a great anguish. (22)
  • But thirst is not enjoyment, and a satiated thirst that we insist on over-satisfying to drown the recollection of past anguish, is baneful to the soul. (10)

Also see sentences for: agony, distress, grief, misery, pain, pang, regret.

Definition of anguish:

  • anguish, ang’gwish, n. excessive pain of body or mind: agony. | n. ang’uishment. (0)

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