Sentence for aspirant | Use aspirant in a sentence

Sentences with aspirant in them. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use aspirant in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for aspirant.

  • It was one thing to trace the path of duty; another to support the aspirant in treading it. (9)
  • Men do not heartily bow their heads until they have subjected the aspirant to some personal contest, and find themselves overmatched. (10)
  • Yet when temperament and taste are present, there is no position in which the aspirant for a place in the literary field has greater opportunity. (16)

Also see sentences for: ambitious, applicant, aspiring, candidate, suitor.

Definition of aspirant:

  • aspirant, as-pr’ant, or as’pir-ant, n. one who aspires (with after_, for_): a candidate. | adj. ambitious: mounting up (_rare in both senses). (0)

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