Sentence for bald | Use bald in a sentence

A sentence for the word bald. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use bald in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for bald.

  • Nesta had nothing to defend: she walked in a bald waste. (10)
  • Her speculative ethereal mind clung to bald matter-of-fact to-day. (10)
  • He had such a nice moustache, and it was a pity he was getting bald. (8)
  • Janet was bald to the heart inhabiting me then, as if quite shaven. (10)
  • But the English, when translated, was bald and blunt to the verge of offensiveness. (10)
  • He is fifty-five and bald, with drooping grey moustaches and a weather-darkened face. (8)
  • My way lay up the bald valley of the river, along the march of Vivarais and Gévaudan. (2)
  • The bald fact was that the newspaper managers had bowed to the hustling humor of the age. (16)
  • That is an extreme case, for he was forty-five years her senior, and stood bald at the altar. (10)
  • The Rector of Worsted Skeynes was not tall, and his head had been rendered somewhat bald by thought. (8)
  • He is a man of sixty, wearing spectacles; rather short, with a bald head, and an honest, pugdog face. (8)
  • I say all this, yet my real feeling is as if I were bald as Dr. Galliot and jealous as General Althorpe. (10)
  • He has a dark, short beard, and red-brown cheeks; is a little bald on the temples, and a bit grey, but hard as iron. (8)
  • Asleep or awake, reading or snoring, fat or thin, hairy or bald, the insulation of their red or pale faces was complete. (8)
  • Some evanescent hand on vapour scrawled Historic of the soul, and heats anew Its coloured lines where deeds of flesh stand bald. (10)
  • Regarding me with an indulgent smile, the venerable man, who was about two hundred and fifty years old and entirely bald, explained. (7)
  • Within the churchyard wicket the Rector, firm and square, a low-crowned hat tilted up on his bald forehead, was talking to a deaf old cottager. (8)
  • This was the first time they had met since the engagement; and Shelton began to nerve himself to express some sentiment, however bald, about it. (8)

Also see sentences for: literal.

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