Sentence for banquet | Use banquet in a sentence

A sentence using the word banquet. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use banquet in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for banquet.

  • More offensive than debris of a midnight banquet! (10)
  • Our meal was quite a banquet by comparison. (2)
  • Banquet, equal to a blast of trumpet, was the detaining word for the multitude. (10)
  • In the chamber of banquet Richard was giving Ripton his last directions. (10)
  • In his glory of banquet strip him bare, And what is the creature we view? (10)
  • He brightened to propose the conducting of the pretty woman to the banquet. (10)
  • Clotilde kindled to the hint of his festival mood of Solomon at the banquet. (10)
  • The day wound up with a great banquet; all was rejoicing at so glorious a victory. (19)
  • The banquet to be fervently remembered, should smoke, should send out a breath to meet us. (10)
  • Music was used to accompany the dance, the funeral cortège,[3] the banquet and other social functions. (3)
  • It seemed to me the make of a high intellectual banquet, and I should be glad if I could enjoy anything as much now. (9)
  • He was giving orders for the spreading of a sumptuous banquet when there passed through the sky another mighty flash. (10)
  • Here dwelt a friendly Algonquin chief named Tessouat, who received the Frenchmen hospitably and invited them to a banquet. (19)
  • Dupuy planned such a feast, and arranged to stuff them so plentifully that not a single brave would be capable of rising from the banquet. (19)
  • A mercantile community guided by Political Economy from the ledger to the banquet presided over by its Dagon Capital, finds that difficult. (10)

Also see sentences for: feast, festival, gratify, holiday, regale, repast.

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