Sentence for barn | Use barn in a sentence

How do you use barn in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use barn in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for barn.

  • The barn was open; one whole wall had disappeared. (12)
  • There had been fighting in the barn at Marrow Farm. (8)
  • She stood in front of a barn which had a little window in its slanting roof. (12)
  • Two hours later, with torn and blackened clothes, the Squire stood by the ruins of the barn. (8)
  • Suddenly the barn seemed to have swung around, or she to have insensibly changed her station. (12)
  • The roof of the barn is pretty slippery and the ground below hard enough to give you a smart Alpine shock. (14)
  • At the far end of the barn, close by the doors, I stood a minute or two before shifting up to watch the shearing. (8)
  • But now he sat down with the whole family, even to Jombateeste, who brought in a faint odor of the barn with him. (9)
  • Jombateeste was in the barn, which he preferred to the house, and Frank Whitwell had gone to church over at the Huddle. (9)
  • Those sinister tongues were licking at the air over a large barn, some ricks, and the roofs of stables and outbuildings. (8)
  • Thirty or forty naked-looking ghosts of sheep were penned against the barn, and perhaps a dozen still inhabiting their coats. (8)
  • Whitwell leaned forward and took a straw into his mouth from the golden wall of oat sheaves in the barn where they were talking. (9)
  • The long, loose cough took him, and another cough answered it like an echo from the barn, where his son was giving the horses their feed. (9)

Also see sentences for: stable.

Definition of barn:

  • barn, bärn, n. a building in which grain, hay, &c. are stored. | v.t. to store in a barn. | ns. and adjs. barn’-door, barn’-yard, as in barn-yard fowl. | n. barn’-owl, the commonest of british owls. | barn-door, in cricket, used of a player who blocks every ball: humorously, any large target. (0)

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