Sentence for bastions | Use bastions in a sentence

Bastions used in sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use bastions in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for bastions.

  • They saw in a few short weeks the bastions of a fort and cannon set up. (19)
  • First doomed to conquest by Troyes and his companions was Moose Factory, a stockade fort with four bastions. (19)
  • Their forts and factories, though capable of offering a strong defence, were built of logs, with bastions of stone. (19)
  • While the New Englanders prepared to launch their force, the French spent the time trying to strengthen their bastions. (19)
  • To the northward the French had built a fort of five bastions which they called Beauséjour, and another one much similar at Baie Verte. (19)

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