Sentence for benedict | Use benedict in a sentence

Sentences for benedict. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use benedict in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for benedict.

  • The name of this man was Benedict Arnold. (19)
  • Benedict Arnold at Montreal found it prudent to leave that city, and it was at once entered and taken possession of by the English. (19)
  • On the following morning, at daybreak, Benedict Arnold led his troops up the steep path and formed them in ranks on the Plains of Abraham above. (19)
  • The news that Sir Guy Carleton was approaching with reinforcements from up the river quickly decided Benedict Arnold to retire from the Heights of Abraham. (19)

Also see sentences for: benediction.

Definition of benedict:

  • benedict, ben’e-dikt, n. a common name for a newly married man, esp. a bachelor who has long held out against marriage, but at last succumbed | from benedick in shakespeare’s much ado about nothing_. | adj. blessed: benign.(0)

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