Sentence for bereft | Use bereft in a sentence

Bereft in a sample sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use bereft in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for bereft.

  • O never forget that old Ireland is weeping The bitter salt tears of the mother bereft! (10)
  • She always will be overbearingly robust till the day we are bereft of her. (10)
  • He was lonely, bereft of the bard, when he had tucked Crossjay up in his bed and left him. (10)
  • Mournful to think that we have been bereft of reason; but the fit is over, and we are not in Bedlam! (10)
  • He dutifully tried to imagine another issue to the disaster of the night, and to realize himself suddenly bereft of her who so filled his life. (9)
  • True, these new sermons were rather compiled than written, because, bereft of his curate, he had not time enough for fresh thought on old subjects. (8)
  • He conjured up the anticipated chatter and shrug of the world so vividly that her beauty grew hectic with the stain, bereft of its formidable magnetism. (10)

Also see sentences for: bereavement, bergamasc.

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