Sentence for bout | Use bout in a sentence

Sentences with bout. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use bout in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for bout.

  • He and Weyburn were for a bout. (10)
  • After that first bout was over and she was lying half asleep in the old nursery, he happened to go up. (8)
  • He was having the exquisite pleasure that a robust nature feels in the first successful bout with life. (13)
  • He held good cards and rose the winner of five pounds that he would willingly have paid to escape the boredom of the bout. (8)
  • Fallen from his high estate, defeated in his ambitious hopes, he engaged in a drunken bout with {237} a warrior of the Illinois nation. (19)
  • A bout of the smart exercise made Mr. Moody laugh again, and all parted merrily, delivering final shots as they went their several ways. (10)
  • A bout of the smart exercise made Mr. Moody laugh again, and all parted merrily, delivering final shots as they went their several ways. (22)

Also see sentences for: conflict, course, progress, round.

Definition of bout:

  • bout, bowt, n. a turn, trial, or round: an attempt: a contest or trial | a fencing bout, or a continued fit of drinking. (0)

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