Sentence for bulb | Use bulb in a sentence

Bulb sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use bulb in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for bulb.

  • In the light from one close-shaded electric bulb the room is but dimly visible. (8)
  • He watched the reddish sand, fluid and swift as water, flicker through an eye from the upper bulb into the lower. (12)
  • It was only a few years ago that we marvelled at the yellow light given off by the 16-candle-power carbon-filament bulb. (17)
  • Another change that has come about in our conception of good illumination is the quantity and intensity of the light we expect from the incandescent bulb. (17)
  • Translucent reflectors or prismatic reflectors are used, and a frosted bulb or a porcelain-tipped bulb is most suitable with this reflector. (17)

Also see sentences for: built-in, bulged.

Definition of bulb:

  • bulb, bulb, n. an onion-like root: any protuberance or enlargement resembling such. | v.i. to form bulbs: to bulge out or swell. | adjs. bul’bar, bulbed, bul’bous, bulb’ceous, bulb’iform, bulbif’erous, bul’bose, bul’by. | ns. bul’bule, a little bulb: a young bulb which grows from an old one; bul’bus, a bulb. (0)

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