Sentence for castles | Use castles in a sentence

Sentences for castles. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use castles in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for castles.

  • The tors, from being uplifted wild castles, became mere grey excrescences. (8)
  • Castles and churches will keep, but what of that great mysterious land beyond those distant hills? (20)
  • They were very short, curved, and blunt, and, compared to our modern floating castles, were only giant cockle-shells. (19)
  • We spent ten days with the Storys at Crosby Lodge, and while there went to Naworth and Corbie Castles and Lanercost Abbey. (14)
  • Ruins of castles crown almost every prominent summit, and the scenery grows wilder and more beautiful at every bend of the river. (20)

Also see sentences for: castle.

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