Sentence for chef | Use chef in a sentence

Chef used in sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use chef in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for chef.

  • You know how the chef always calls her the Boss? (9)
  • The chef smiled with a peculiar droop of one eye. (9)
  • The chef looked up as if surprised to find her still there. (9)
  • She did not mind that in him, and let the chef have his joke as if it were not one. (9)
  • And no chef, no poet, and no tailor is so puffed up with creative vanity as your common bourgeois progenitor. (12)
  • Clementina flushed, but she did not cower; the chef walked away with a laugh, and the shoeman pursued him with his voice. (9)
  • Clementina stood expectant, but the chef smoked on as if that were all there was to say, and seemed to have forgotten her. (9)
  • It was the carving of a maitre chef, according to Skepsey: right-left-and point, with supreme precision: they fell, accurately sliced from the joint. (10)

Also see sentences for: cheeses, chelsea.

Definition of chef:

  • chef, shef, n. a master-cook; a reliquary in the shape of a head. | adj. chief, as in chef d’oeuvre, masterpiece, (0)

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