Sentence for cobweb | Use cobweb in a sentence

Cobweb sentence example. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use cobweb in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for cobweb.

  • And, kneeling down, she began to disentangle a fly, imprisoned in a cobweb. (8)
  • He felt like a fly, entangled in cobweb filaments, watching the desirable freedom of the air with pitiful eyes. (8)
  • We see too much concrete that is dull, pasty, and gray, and marred on the surface with cobweb lines of cracks; but this need not be. (17)
  • His acquisition of the real Goya rather beautifully illustrated the cobweb of vested interests and passions which mesh the bright-winged fly of human life. (8)

Also see sentences for: cobwebs.

Definition of cobweb:

  • cobweb, kob’web, n. the spider’s web or net: any snare or device intended to entrap: anything flimsy or easily broken: anything that obscures. | n. cobweb’bery. | adj. cob’webby. (0)

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