Sentence for crust | Use crust in a sentence

A sentence using the word crust. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use crust in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for crust.

  • The passion in her was like a place of waves evaporated to a crust of salt. (10)
  • At that height they looked like willing gnomes on the crust of a flaming world. (13)
  • Here and there, about his knees and on his chest, the mud had caked and formed a thick crust. (12)
  • My character has been against me; I do not succeed in breaking the crust that separates me from the depth. (12)
  • She saw, as never before, how Chicago had moulded him and had left his nature set in a hard crust of prejudice. (13)
  • The intense, unwonted heat of the April days had broken the crust of soil and set the sap of life in motion once more. (13)
  • An old crust of their mahogany bread, supposed at first to be a specimen of quartz, was found in one of his coat pockets. (10)

Also see sentences for: crushing, crutch.

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