Sentence for decades | Use decades in a sentence

A sentence using the word decades. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use decades in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for decades.

  • He impressed people more profoundly than any actor had done for decades. (12)
  • It has grown up largely within the past two decades, and still lacks literary workmanship. (16)
  • It was decades since he had dined anywhere in London save at his Club or at a private house. (8)
  • The country editor of to-day is far removed from his prototype of two or three decades ago. (16)
  • The modern newspaper is far more a business enterprise than was the one of three decades ago. (16)
  • Italy has already done much, and the progress of the last few decades seems to predict a bright future for her music. (3)

Also see sentences for: decade.

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